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quarta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2008


'Entre les Murs' (Laurent Cantet), 'Wall.E' (Andrew Stanton), 'Coeurs' (Alain Resnais), 'There Will Be Blood' (Paul Thomas Anderson), 'We Own the Night' (James Gray), 'Hunger' (Steve McQueen), 'La Graine et le Mulet' (Abdel Kechiche), 'La Soledad' (Jaime Rosales), 'Before the Devil Knows You're Dead' (Sidney Lumet), 'No Country For Old Men' (Joel & Ethan Coen), 'The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford' (Andrew Dominik), 'The Darjeeling Limited' (Wes Anderson), 'I'm Not There' (Todd Haynes), 'The Dark Knight' (Christopher Nolan) 'Stellet Licht' (Carlos Reygadas), 'The Happening' (M. Night Shyamalan). Michael Gira (Nimas), Bonnie Prince Billy (ZDB), Extra Golden (ZDB), Black Lips (Lux-Frágil), Mão Morta (Culturgest), American Music Club (Auditório Augusto Cabrita, Barreiro), Einstürzende Neubauten (Aula Magna), Mercury Rev (Aula Magna), Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds (Coliseu dos Recreios), No Age (ZDB), Lightning Bolt (Parque Estacionamento do Camões), Gala Drop (Museu do Chiado). 'Everything That Happens Will Happen Today' (David Byrne & Brian Eno), 'High Places' (High Places), 'Micah P. Hinson and Red Empire Orchestra' (Micah P. Hinson and Red Empire Orchestra), 'Black Sea' (Fennesz), 'Versailles Sessions' (Murcof), '12 Ways to Count' (The Miserable Rich) 'Alopecia' (Why?), 'Gala Drop' (Gala Drop), 'Maldoror' (Mão Morta), 'Devotion' (Beach House), 'Lie Down in the Light' (Bonnie "Prince" Billy), 'Miracle Kicker' (Dark Captain Light Captain), 'Dear Science' (TV On The Radio), 'Silent Movie' (Quiet Village), 'Exotic Creatures of the Deep' (Sparks), 'Go Away White' (Bauhaus), 'Third' (Portishead), 'Microcastle/Weird Era' (Deerhunter), 'Come Into My House' (No Kids), 'Provisions' (Giant Sand), 'Nouns' (No Age), 'Aerial' (2562), 'I Need You to Hold on While the Sky Is Falling' (Kelley Polar), 'Volume One' (She & Him), 'Let the Blind Lead Those Who Can See But Cannot Feel' (Atlas Sound), 'Japan Pop Show' (Curumin), 'Double Night Time' (Morgan Geist), 'Vasco' (Ricardo Villalobos), 'The Essence' (Sten), 'Shedding the Past' (Shed), 'Oracular Spectacular' (MGMT), 'Fleet Foxes' (Fleet Foxes), 'The Age of Understatement' (The Last Shadow Puppets), 'Lightbulbs' (Fujiya & Miyagi), 'Saint Dymphna' (Gang Gang Dance). Cinema à meia-noite de preferência em salas vazias, ZDB não a abarrotar, Ogâmico, Esplanadas, Sessões de música nos pratos (Ogâmico, Purex, Incógnito, Left), Lounge, Left, Flur, Semsim, PES na PS3, Longos cafés e conversas à deriva com S., Alvalade XXI, Fabrico Próprio, iPod, Zooey Deschanel, Largo do Carmo, Reencontros inesperados, Amigos de sempre (e os poucos novos), Ver os filhos dos amigos crescerem, Chá quente, Cerejas. 'Dexter', 'Friday Night Lights', 'Huff', 'Weeds', 'The Wire', 'Californication', 'Generation Kill', 'It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia', The Big Bang Theory', 'Flight of the Conchords', 'Aliens In America'!

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